Creating the Ultimate Nonfiction Book Marketing Plan

Creating the Ultimate Nonfiction Book Marketing Plan

Are you struggling to figure out how to market your nonfiction book? Worry not, because I’ve got your back! In this blog post, we’ll go through the must-have components of a rock-solid book marketing plan. Yep, the kind that’ll make your book the talk of the town!

The 5 W’s

Before we dive in, let’s cover some basics. I call this the 5 W’s: Who, What, Where, When, and Why. Knowing these will steer your marketing ship in the right direction.

  • Who: Your target audience
  • What: Your book and its unique selling points
  • Where: Online and offline platforms for marketing
  • When: Timeline of your marketing activities
  • Why: Goals you wish to achieve

Create a SWOT Analysis

That’s right, SWOT: Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats. I know it sounds corporate-y, but it’s a killer tool for understanding where you stand.

  • Strengths: Unique aspects of your book
  • Weaknesses: Areas for improvement
  • Opportunities: Unexplored markets
  • Threats: Competition and other challenges

Marketing Goals

Set clear, achievable goals! What are you hoping to achieve? Book sales? Brand recognition? Speaking engagements? The clearer your goals, the easier it is to tailor your marketing efforts.

Download my free book marketing template to outline your goals, and it’ll be smooth sailing from there!


Ah yes, the dreaded B-word. But listen, having a budget helps you be more strategic. Allocate funds for advertising, public relations, social media, and other marketing channels.

Digital Marketing Strategies

If you’re not online, you’re invisible. Use platforms like Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook to share engaging content and connect with readers. Email marketing is also a goldmine—use it!

Leverage PR and Media

Press releases, podcasts, and interviews can give you a level of credibility and exposure that social media alone can’t.

Analytics and Adjustments

Finally, don’t forget to track your progress. Use tools like Google Analytics to see what’s working and what’s not. Adjust as needed and keep that ship sailing!

Remember, marketing isn’t a one-size-fits-all game. Be flexible, be creative, and most importantly, be yourself! Now go turn that book of yours into a bestseller.

Published by Kelly Schuknecht

Kelly Schuknecht is a marketer with a background in the publishing industry. She is passionate about all things related to books and loves helping authors navigate the world of social media for book promotion. She recently launched the course Marketing Your Book on TikTok.

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